Application of nano silica (SiO2) (II)

Resin composites

Resin matrix composites have the characteristics of light weight, high strength and corrosion resistance. However, in recent years, the material industry and pillar industries of the national economy have higher and higher requirements for the performance of resin matrix materials. How to synthesize high-performance resin matrix composites has become an important topic in the current material industry and enterprises. The advent of nano silica provides a new opportunity for the synthesis of resin matrix composites and a new way for the modification of traditional resin matrix materials. As long as nano silica particles can be fully and evenly dispersed into resin materials, the purpose of comprehensively improving the properties of resin matrix materials can be achieved.

  1. Improve strength and elongation. Epoxy resin is a basic resin material. Adding nano silica to epoxy resin is completely different from the epoxy resin matrix composites added with coarse-grained silica (white carbon black, etc.). Coarse-grained SiO2 is generally added as a reinforcing agent, which is mainly distributed among the chains of high molecular materials. Due to the serious lack of coordination on the surface of nano silica Due to its huge specific surface area and surface oxygen deficiency, it shows extremely strong activity. It is easy to bond with the oxygen of epoxy ring molecules and improve the bonding force between molecules. At the same time, some nano silica particles are still distributed in the gap of polymer chain, which shows high fluidity compared with coarse-grained SiO2 particles, Thus, the strength, toughness and ductility of epoxy resin material added with nano silica are greatly improved.
  2. Improve wear resistance and material surface finish. Nano silica particles are 100-1000 times smaller than SiO2. Adding them to epoxy resin is conducive to wire drawing. Due to the high fluidity and small size effect of nano silica, the material surface is more compact and clean, the friction coefficient becomes smaller, and the high strength of nano particles greatly enhances the wear resistance of the material.

3, anti-aging properties. A fatal weakness in the use of epoxy resin composites is poor aging resistance. The main reason is the effect of ultraviolet radiation in the 280 to 400nm band of the solar radiation. The damage to the resin matrix composites is very serious. The degradation of the polymer chain leads to the rapid aging of the resin matrix composites. Nano silica can strongly reflect ultraviolet light. Adding it to epoxy resin can greatly reduce the degradation of epoxy resin by ultraviolet light, so as to delay the aging of materials.

The use of nano silica, light transmittance and small particle size can make the plastics more compact. The addition of silicon dioxide in the polystyrene plastic film not only improves its transparency, strength and toughness, but also improves its waterproof and anti-aging properties. After adding a small amount of nano silica in the ordinary plastic PVC, the hardness, finish and anti-aging properties of the plastic steel doors and windows produced are greatly improved. Using nano silica to modify ordinary plastic polypropylene, the main technical indexes (water absorption, insulation resistance, compression residual deformation, flexural strength, etc.) meet or exceed the performance indexes of engineering plastic nylon 6. Polypropylene railway accessories are used instead of nylon 6, the product cost is greatly reduced, and its economic and social benefits are very significant.