FINE-SIL516 Silica

Fine-sil516 is a specially treated ultrafine precipitated silica with strong adsorption and good dispersion. It is mainly used in electrochemical aluminum, coating, ink and other industries for adsorption, anti sedimentation and thickening. Especially in paints and coatings, it can replace diatomite with high price in the production of primer.

1、 Product features

  1. With good extinction effect, it can be used to make semi dumb, soft light, full dumb or even matte coatings.
  2. Good dispersibility. It can be dispersed below 15 µ m by high-speed stirring.
  3. The paint film has good transparency and will not form fog shadow.
  4. It has no effect on the drying, storage and curing of the coating.
  5. The paint film is flat and smooth, fine and wear-resistant, with good scratch resistance and impact resistance.
  6. It has no effect on the durability and weather resistance of the paint film.
  7. Good anti sedimentation, long storage life of the coating, no hard precipitation will be generated.
  8. The matting powder is evenly arranged and feels good.

2、 Use of products

The matting agents must be fully dispersed in the coating in order to give full play to their role. Fine series products can be easily dispersed in the coating with a standard high-speed disperser. When using, users must pay attention to the factors affecting the dispersion, such as blade diameter, container size, height of coating slurry, linear speed of impeller, etc.

Performance specificationsFINE-SIL516
SiO2(dry basis)%≥98
Ignition loss(9500C)%4-6
PH value (5% suspension)6.5-7.5
Specific surface area m2/g220
Moisture  %3-5
Average particle size3µm
Oil absorption value  g/100g280